Today is the official release of my new novel Gone to See the River Man, from Cemetery Dance Publications, and I couldn’t be more excited about it. If ever you were going to buy one of my books, make it this one.
It is available on every ebook format including Kindle, Nook, Kobo and iTunes. Just $2.99. Physical copies will arrive later this year. If you don’t have a Kindle or Nook yet, there are FREE apps for your PC, Mac, iPhone, iPad, Android, Blackberry, and more on Amazon’s website and Barnes & Noble’s website.

Super fans. Groupies. Stalkers.
These people will give anything for the idols they worship, be they rock stars, actors or authors. Or even serial killers.
Lori is just such a fanatic. Her obsession is with Edmund Cox, a man of sadistic cruelty who butchered more than twenty women. She’s gone so far as to forge a relationship with him, visiting him in prison and sending him letters on a regular basis. She will do anything to get close to him, so when he gives her a task, she eagerly accepts it.
She has no idea of the horror that awaits her.
Edmund tells her she must go to his cabin in the woods of Killen and retrieve a key to deliver to a mysterious figure known only as The River Man.
In her quest, she brings along her handicapped sister, and they journey through the deep, dark valley, beginning their trip upriver. The trip quickly becomes a surreal nightmare, one that digs up Lori’s personal demons, the ones she feels bonds her to Edmund. The river runs with flesh, the cabin is a vault of horrors, and ghostly blues music echoes through the mountains. Soon they will learn that The River Man is not quite fact or folklore, and definitely not human — at least, not anymore. And the key is just the beginning of what is required of Lori to prove she’s worthy of a madman’s love.
“Having already proved himself a master of extreme horror with Full Brutal, in Gone To See The River Man, Triana shows he is able to paint his uniquely disturbing visions with a much broader palette. This gloomily atmospheric novel is an excellent and unnerving exercise in steadily mounting dread and an inexorable rendezvous with doom. It fuses family tragedy with phantasmagoric horror in a way that will linger long in memory. In short, this Triana guy is a serious contender.”
—Bryan Smith, author of Depraved
“Kristopher Triana pens the most violent, depraved tales with the craft and care of a poet describing a sunset, only the sunset has been eviscerated, and dismembered, and it is screaming.”
—Wrath James White, author of The Resurrectionist